
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Our Honeymoon to Jamaica!

I can honestly say that our honeymoon was the best trip I have ever been on!! I told Nathan in the beginning that I wanted him to plan the honeymoon...and wow! He planned a great one :) I would go back right now if I could!
We didn't want to be rushed trying to get to the airport so we actually spent our first night at our house and then drove to Nashville on Saturday and spent the night there. We had an early morning flight on Sunday morning. Here we are at dinner in Nashville.
About to take off!
Headed to Jamaica!! 
The airport in Jamaica

On the bus to go to our Resort...I think Nate is pretty tired haha
We stopped at this little store on our way...
45 minutes later we arrived at our resort...Grand Palladium Lady Hamilton!!
Our Resort was BEAUTIFUL!!
We immediately headed to the beach :)
The pool beside our room
The beach beside our room
We went to the show the first night and Nathan was called on stage to rap the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" lyrics!! :)

We were both called on stage to compete in a couples competition and we won "The Best Couple" at the Resort!! We had to play some pretty funny games!
Day 2
Lunch at our favorite afternoon restaurant
I beat Nathan in Putt-Putt haha
Dinner at the Mexican Restaurant
Day 4 we swam with the dolphins!!!!! This was at the very top of my bucket list! I have always wanted to swim with dolphins and it lived up to my expectations completely!!

 On the fifth day we went on a dune buggy ride!!! This was probably our favorite thing of the entire trip!!! We drove all over the country side and got to see some of the villages. Look at those helmets we had to wear!!
The dune buggy went really fast!! And we ended up super muddy!
Our buggy
The water in Jamaica was gorgeous!
On our last day there we decided to go snorkeling...It wasn't the best day to do this because it was really cloudy :( 
Nathan had a for me, well not so much haha!! I was scared of sharks ;)
But we survived and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon at the pool!
We went to dinner on the beach our last night!

Leaving the resort was bittersweet!! We had such a great time...but I was ready for some American food :)

Our flight home!
This really was the trip of a lifetime!!! I can't wait to go back one day :)

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