
Monday, October 14, 2013

My Pregnancy: Part 1

I have had so many people praying for me and asking about me in these last few weeks that I decided to share my pregnancy story here and I want to start at the very beginning. My story is pretty long so I am going to do it in a 5 part series. Some parts are very personal...but my hope is that someone who is going through a difficult pregnancy like me might find comfort in my story.
I found out that I was pregnant on April 13. On the day before I was getting ready for work and decided to take a test. I suspected I might be pregnant. I took the type that has the pink lines. One line means not pregnant and two lines means pregnant. Only one line came up. I was disappointed. I wanted a baby. I set the test aside and brushed my teeth and a few minutes later I picked up the test to throw it away and I saw this super faint second line. I stared at it for while thinking am I just imagining a line because I want it to be there...or is it really there?? According to the most accurate source of information {insert sarcasm} GOOGLE says A LINE IS A LINE!!! I still decided not to get too excited. So I stopped by Nathan's office on my way to work to show it to him. Of course by that time it had been more than 10 minutes...which is the time frame for the accuracy of the test. We decided not to get excited and that I would try taking another test later on that night. We were hosting a party at our house the next evening for a friend of mine that was getting married..and we were busy that night trying to prepare for the party so I just decided to wait until the next morning to take it. I couldn't sleep all night so I ended up taking the test at 4 a.m. This time I made sure to take the type that says either pregnant or not pregnant on the screen. It took the test several minutes for anything to come felt like forever...but it finally popped up pregnant!!!! I was beside myself excited!! I ran back into my room and woke Nathan up! He was really excited...but a little skeptical of a home pregnancy test. He wanted to get it confirmed by the doctor. He had no trouble going back to sleep...but I was too excited! I just laid their thinking about my baby!!! I wouldn't let Nathan sleep past 6 a.m. because I wanted to go over to my mom and dad's house and tell them!! I didn't do anything exciting...I just walked in the back door and said GUESS WHAT!!!! You are going to be grandparents!!! My dad thought we were joking at first :) But they were thrilled!! We had the party at our house that night and I was just bursting with excitement! I wanted to tell everyone... but I kept it a least for a few more weeks :)
This is me and my friend Allyson (the one getting married) at the party that night :)

The weeks prior to finding out I was pregnant I learned a lot about prayer. I have prayed for this child since before she even existed. As I mentioned earlier...I really wanted a baby. And I hope my little girl will know just how much she was wanted and how very much she is loved. I went through a time where I really worried that I might not be able to get pregnant. It must have been Satan messing with my mind because I had no logical reason for thinking that. I prayed that God would give us children. But I also struggled with prayer at the time. I went through a period where I was sort of angry at prayer. I wondered why we even prayed. If God knows everything that is going to happen and we can't change His mind...why pray?? I shared my thoughts about it with my mom one day and she reminded me that we don't pray to change God's mind....we pray to align out hearts with what He wants. I then realized that I didn't need to pray that I would get pregnant....I needed to pray that God would bless us with children WHEN and HOW He wanted to. Looking back I can see how God was preparing me for the pregnancy that I was about to experience. And that the most important thing was that I give my fears to Him and TRUST.
Stay tuned for Part 2!!!

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