
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Gender Reveal Party!!

I cannot believe how quickly time flies!! It has been a while since my last post...and SOOO much has changed in our lives!! We found out in April that we are expecting our first baby! We are sooo excited! So far I have had the easiest pregnancy! I hope they are all like this...Nathan and I wants lots of children and I don't mind if they are all this easy :) We had our gender reveal party the past Friday night! We went for our anatomy ultrasound at 9am Friday morning and got to see our precious baby! But we decided not to find out the gender at the doctor. We had the ultrasound tech put the gender pictures in a sealed envelope and took it to a friend Nathan works with and had him fill a piñata with pink or blue candy!! And that night at the party we busted the piñata in front of all of our family and friends! It was so much fun that I just had to share :)

Here are some pictures of the Boy vs. Girl table that I set up!


I made a chalk board of all the Old Wives Tales used for predicting gender. I had 2 that said girl and 3 that said boy!

We took pictures of everyone holding the chalk boards of what they thought baby Campbell's gender was going to be! It is fun to look back and see who was right!!

My mom thought from the very beginning that we were having a boy! Dad wouldn't say for a long time what he thought the baby was going to be...but he finally told us that night that he thought it was a boy too!

 Nathan's dad also said from the beginning that he thought we were having a boy! His step mom voted for a girl!
Nathan's mom and uncle both said girl!!
Both my Mimi and Popee and Nathan's Grandmother thought it was a boy!
Here is what all of our friends thought...


When I found out I was pregnant I felt like I would have some sort of motherly instinct that would tell me what we were having...but I never got it!! I never could make up mind on what baby Campbell was. It took Nathan a long time...but one day he said "It's a girl!" Here is a picture of us before we busted the piñata!
We bought this piñata from ETSY!! Most people we know have done the cake for their gender reveal parties so we wanted to do something different...and I think this was a hit!! Isn't it precious!!
I was the one that was going to bust the piñata....but I couldn't do it!! I think I hit it a good 7 times and it wouldn't budge!!!

I finally handed the bat over to Nathan!! My arms were tired!
 He immediately busted it!!!! AND........
Out came PINK candy!!!

We were so excited!!
IT'S A GIRL!!!!!
Baby girl was given her first gifts!! An Alabama Cheerleader outfit and burp cloth! And a beautiful silver rattle!!
Here we are with our families!! Everyone was so happy!!

Here are just a few more pictures from the rest of the night :) 

Our Happy Little Family :)
 Lots of Love
Me and Our Little One :)

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