
Monday, September 23, 2013

Our Anniversary :)

I have been married to my sweet husband 2 years today!! I cannot believe that it has gone by soooo quickly. It seems like just yesterday that I was counting down the days to our wedding. I absolutely could not wait to marry to him! We were engaged for 9 months and I thought it was the longest 9 months of my life. But the day finally arrived and it was even more perfect than I imagined. I wanted to share some pictures of our very special day :)

Our Wedding Bands and Program

My Dress!! 
My sweet Sorority Sister Elizabeth did my hair! She stayed with me all day to make sure my hair was perfect at every moment!! Thanks Elizabeth!!!

Getting ready :) I was soooo excited!

This is right before Nathan saw me for the first time :)

He looked so handsome!! 

 Our florist Justin Myrick was AMAZING!! I loved absolutely everything he did :) This is the beautiful bouquet he made for me!
Isn't that veil BEAUTIFUL!! This was my "Something Borrowed" from some very special family members :)
Nathan doing one of his favorite things :)

 This is not really my favorite picture of me. . . but I love it of Nate! He is such a cutie :)
This is us with my mom and dad!!
I love my dad!!
Me and my mom! Doesn't she look stunning :) September 23 is also her birthday and she was kind enough to share this day with us forever! Happy Birthday Mom!! I love you!!
Here are all my beautiful Bridesmaids!!

Bridesmaids and Groomsmen!
The country club we got married at is right on the river. And it is an absolutely gorgeous place! We were so lucky with the weather that day. It actually rained a little earlier that morning but was beautiful for the rest of the day. I can still remember what it felt like outside :) Here are some more pictures of me in front of the river!

This was taken right before the ceremony started. I was looking at all of the guests arriving! We were extremely blessed to have so many family and friends there!
 My dad walking me down the aisle (or stairs at this point haha). I love this picture of us :)
 Getting Married!!
 The moms!
Here we are saying our vows. My grandfather did this part of our ceremony. It was really special having him participate in marrying us!
The exchanging of rings :) We were so lucky to have our close friend officiate the ceremony for us! Thanks for everything Chad!

You may now kiss your bride!!!
Mr. & Mrs. !!!!!!
 Right after the ceremony!
 Our First Dance!

Cutting Nathan's Alabama Stadium Cake!
Cutting my Cake!!
 Here is a better picture of my cake!!And I LOVED it!! A very special friend of mine made this cake for me!! She was so generous to spend the time on it that she did. . .and I know it took a long time!! Thanks Rhonda for making the cake of my dreams :)
We had such a great time!!!
My sweet friend/bridesmaid Laurie caught my bouquet!!! She got engaged 2 months later and married in June!!! I guess there really is something to the "catching of the bouquet" ;)

 Singing Happy Birthday to my mom!!
Enjoying the last few minutes of the reception :)

About to leave!! Because our wedding was in the fall and on the weekend of an Alabama game we left to shakers!! (and no we didn't get married during the game. . .our wedding was on a Friday night)

JAMAICA Here We Come!!! Oh, and ROLL TIDE!!
 Very Special Thank You's to:
My sweet cousin Bailey!! She coordinated the entire wedding! Mom and I couldn't have done it without her!! I told her at the beginning the "look" that I wanted. . .and she came through times a million!!! Thank you Bailey for all the time you spent making our wedding perfect!! I appreciate it more than you will ever know :)
My Photographer Wes!!! I don't have a picture to show because he was BEHIND the camera literally ALL day!!! Thank you Wes for making our wedding day last beyond the day of September 23, 2011!! Our beautiful pictures are something we will always treasure!!
And my wonderful parents!!! They gave me the wedding of my DREAMS!! Thank you so much for all you did to make this day perfect!! I love you both so much!!! 
Here is a link to a clip of our wedding video HERE!!! Thanks Sam for capturing our day!!! This video makes me cry every time I watch it :)
And We Lived Happily Ever After!!

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