
Friday, October 18, 2013

My Pregnancy: Part 3

The first part of my second trimester was a breeze!! I felt great and was enjoying watching my little baby bump grow!! I was one of the lucky ones with pregnancy symptoms. I never had morning sickness! The only bad symptom I had was a ferocious appetite!! I was hungry ALL the time!!! I would eat a huge meal and 15 minutes later I would feel like I had not eaten in days! Think about the hungriest you have ever been in your life...this doesn't even begin to touch the hunger I experienced!! The only way I could describe it to my friends was to tell them "I would literally poke your eyeballs out to get your food if I was hungry and you wouldn't share". It was THAT bad!! And it started in the first few weeks of pregnancy and lasted until about week 20!!

Did I mention how much I was enjoying watching my baby bump grow?!? I know this will sound awful but I was one of those people that really dreaded the "pregnancy" part of having a baby. I mean who wants to gain a ton of weight and worry about stretch marks. And I never understood why all these girls would post pictures of their huge belly on Facebook!!! YUCK! But now I totally understand! That is MY precious baby in my stomach and I am so proud of it! My whole perspective has changed! I LOVE being pregnant! Even after all of things I have been through. It was during my 15th week that I felt her move for the first time!! At first I wasn't sure if it was her or not. But after feeling the same thing for a few days I knew it was her! Feeling your baby move is the most incredible thing ever!!! I think it is one of the reasons I love being pregnant so much. She is always with me and I don't have to share. I was the only one that could feel her for a while...Nathan didn't feel her until about 21 weeks. I love the fact that she is with me 24/7. I know her schedule...I know when she is awake and when she is asleep. And I know when she doesn't like something...she hates the monitors at the hospital!! I know when she is tired and when she has lots of energy. And I selfishly love being the only one that knows this stuff! When she gets here I know I will have to share her with other people...and I know that that will be hard. So I have really loved getting to enjoy her by myself! :) Pregnancy really is a special time!

It was also during this time that we found out the gender!! Although I didn't really care if it was a boy or a girl. We went for our anatomy ultrasound at 19 and a half weeks, but didn't find out at the doctor what the gender was. All of my friends were like how in world did you not find out!! Honestly, I was only worried about finding out one thing....if my baby was healthy or not. The anatomy scan is so much more than finding out the gender. It is the ultrasound where they look and make sure all of the baby's organs are there and check to see that they are growing like they should. Even after the appointment was over I was content just knowing my baby was healthy! We had a gender reveal party that night and found out with all of our family and friends that we were having a little girl! It was so exciting and I am really glad that we waited until then to find out :) I think it was more fun for our families that way...they were excited about seeing our faces!! You can see my full post about the party HERE!

Here is a picture of me and my baby girl the night we found out!!

This part of my pregnancy was definitely the easiest part! I even told people that if every pregnancy was this easy I wouldn't mind having LOTS of children!! Little did I know what I was in store for the next few weeks. Even though this part was so easy I wouldn't say that it was better than the other weeks. Because I have truly enjoyed every part!
Stay tuned for part 4!!

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