
Friday, January 31, 2014

Christmas 2013

Christmas Day was the day I looked forward to all of last year because it was Natalie's due date! I have always loved Christmas :) The excitement, traditions, and time with family has always been very important to me! This year was super special because my sweet girl was here, healthy and 3 weeks old! I thought I would share some pictures of our fun day with our sweet girl!
Santa came to see Natalie! (Her daddy requested the Alabama football stuff!)
Natalie slept 5 hours straight and woke up so happy!! So did mommy!!
Headed over to Pop and GiGi's...she was so tiny!!!
 Santa also left some things at Pop and GiGi's house!! He is too kind!!
Nathan didn't want to participate in Christmas Jammies this year :(...what a dud!
Natalie with Pop and GiGi...they love her SO much!
I love my little family!
Opening Natalie's stocking :)
Natalie and I both got lots of new clothes :)

Nathan's favorite gifts were hunting decoys!

 My favorite Christmas present!
Eating Christmas lunch with my grandparents! Mom always cooks a huge lunch on Christmas Day! It is making me hungry just thinking about it!
Natalie hung out in her bassinet while we ate...just kidding!! She only let me take her picture in it...I had to hold her while I ate :) Of course, I didn't mind one bit!!
The amazing cook!!
 Family Photo Time!
Four Generations!
I love my Grandparents!
Me and my sweet little girl!!

Nathan and Natalie!!
Natalie loves sitting with Pop just as much as he loves holding her!

Best Christmas Ever!!

I hope everyone had as wonderful of a Christmas as we did!!

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