
Monday, January 21, 2013

Spare Bedroom Makeover!

I love working on decorating my house :) I have spent a lot of time working on the living room and dining room and am really pleased with the way it is coming along! However, the rest of the house has been a little forgotten about :( but that's about to change! This week is devoted to the spare bedroom.

Here is a picture of the spare bedroom before we moved in

Here is the room today

YUCK!! So dark and boring!!!

Spare Bedroom Makeover Plans include:
A fresh coat of white paint
New Bed
New Bedding
Dresser Makeover
New lamps

Here is a small preview of the changes to come...

Alle loves the new bedding!

Picture Frames!!!

Alle is so excited  :)

And this is only the beginning!!
Stay Tuned for the complete reveal!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Miiiiiami! ROLL TIDE!

Two weeks ago my husband and I took a trip to Miami for the BCS National Championship Game! If you know Nathan you know that this is no surprise! We had a blast!!...probably because our team (ALABAMA) won!!...which kept Nathan happy :)  Here are a few pictures from our trip!

We caught an earlier flight just so we could go to a Miami Heat game. Neither of us had ever been to a pro basketball was really fun! Definitely glad we made it in time to see the Heat blow the Wizards away :)

Headed to the game!!! We are beyond excited!!

Here is the stadium...I was standing here taking a picture and all of a sudden we look up and there is one of Nathan's friends from high school crossing the street! Good to see old friends at a great game!!

BCS Discover Zone! Don't we look cute in our Alabama gear :)

After standing outside the stadium for 2 hours to watch the players walk in we finally made it to our seats!! Anxiously waiting for the game to start! We weren't nervous though ;)

FIRST ALABAMA TOUCHDOWN!!!! I know I know...he looks mad...he's really not though. He just gets intense! He is actually VERY excited!! Roll Tide!

After many more touchdowns we OFFICIALLY won the game! And I got the perfect picture :)

YAY!!! National Champs!!! So glad we got to be there for this exciting moment!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

House Tour Sneak Peek!

This is our living room. This is the room we have worked on the most so far...but there are several things that I still want to do :)

This is the kitchen which is about to be TOTALLY renovated!! I am so excited! As you can see the kitchen is very small and sort of boring. I am especially excited about adding a dishwasher...I don't know how I have lived a year and a half without one! Hopefully I will be posting more about the kitchen renovation soon :)

Bathroom! We haven't done much in here...but future projects include re-painting, hopefully removing all the tile, putting in a new sink and a new vanity!

This is all for now! Hope you enjoyed seeing a little bit of our house! Much more coming soon!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Meet My Family...

Meet Nathan!

This is my outgoing, fun-loving, type-A personality, precious husband! We have known each other since 2009 and married since September 2011. Nathan is a financial advisor but in his spare time he LOVES Alabama football, golf, wake boarding, duck hunting, x-box, traveling, basketball, and me of course! He is a great husband...I tend to need to be taken care of and he does that SO well!

Meet Alle!

This is our precious dog Alle. We got her a few months before we got married. She lived with Nathan and they became best friends. So much so that when I moved in I felt left we got another dog (I will get to that later). Alle's personality is a lot like Nathan...lively, outgoing, and busy! She loves meeting new friends and playing with her frisbee. Did I mention Nathan is a HUGE Alalbama Crimson Tide fan? He loves Alabama so much that he named her Alle for Alabama! She is a great dog :)

Meet Cricket!

Cricket was added to the family the week we got back from our honeymoon. As I mentioned earlier, I needed a dog too! Cricket is the total opposite of Alle. He is really shy and nervous. However, he has the biggest heart! He loves us so much!

Both of our dogs came from a local organization called PAWS (Pets Are Worth Saving). They were both taken out of a home that had 40 other dogs and were not taken care of. They were both puppies when they were removed from the home, however, Cricket is about a month older than Alle so he was there longer. I think this is why he is so nervous about meeting new people. It took him a really long time to warm up to us. Both of our dogs are precious and I try to encourage everyone I know to adopt dogs from organizations like PAWS or a local shelter!

I love my little family and cannot wait to share more about them, our house, and our adventures!