
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Life Here Lately

Life has been so crazy around here lately! And when I say crazy I talking about crazy GOOD!! Life with a baby is unbelievably wonderful! I cant even begin to describe it. Every time I look at Natalie I can't help but smile :) Even through the rough times (and yes, there are a lot of them...sleepless nights I mean) she bring so much joy into my life! But I must say...she has taken a lot of time away from blogging. Her daddy is holder her right now so I thought I would just catch up on everything that has been going on! And we have lots!
One of the most exciting things is we are about to get started on is our vegetable garden! I wanted to do one last year but just didn't get around to it in time because of our kitchen renovation. But I made a promise to myself that I would do one this year!! And we have already started working on it! In fact, we plan on planting our onions this weekend! I hope to do a whole section on our garden so everyone can see how it goes. Here is a picture of Nathan working on the beds!
I have also been doing a lot of purging!! I have decided that it is time to live life a little more simply. I think I get so caught up in things that I haven't always enjoyed the little things in life...and I want to do more of that! So I started with my closet! I have four huge boxes for sale (if anyone is interested)!! And there will probably be more to come...I add to them almost every day! And I haven't even gotten to shoes yet :) After I finish my closet I am going to be moving on to the rest of the house. YARD SALE COMING SOON!!! I have always been a pack rat and have a hard time getting rid of things so this has been tough for me...wish me luck! Look at ALL these clothes ;)

Our spare bedroom is going to get a make over AGAIN! Not that we finished it the first time (you may remember the post I did about the you would also remember that I never posted a reveal). I just never was able to fix it exactly how I imagined it. Anyways, it is now going to become a spare bedroom/playroom for Natalie! And I have big plans for it!! This time I really will finish it and show a reveal!! So stayed tuned :) I would show you a picture now...but there isn't much to see.
For about a month now I have also been learning how to COOK & EAT dairy, soy, and egg free! Natalie is allergic to dairy and soy so therefore I have had to make a lot of changes to my diet. And I am going to be has been one of the hardest things I have ever done! Anyone that knows me well knows how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate...and well, I cant have it anymore :( I can't have a lot of things anymore...but it is totally worth it. For several weeks all my sweet baby would do is cry and scream. I knew something wasn't right and finally narrowed it down to a food allergy and reflux. Since my diet change she has been a completely different baby! So as hard as it is...I wouldn't even think about cheating. I also hope to share my experience as I continue with this diet. Here is a picture of a chicken salad I made yesterday! I will share the recipe was scrumptious!  
For those of you waiting to hear about our Cloth Diaper Experience...I haven't forgotten!! We are STILL in newborn diapers!!! Natalie is so tiny! She weighed in at about 9 1/2 pounds at 3 months! She is as healthy as she can be...she is just a little baby. So we haven't started them yet. I hope to start using them by the time she is 4 months...which will be here before we know it!!
I have also spent a lot of time taking pictures!! Of Natalie of course!! :) I love photography and she has been so much fun to practice on! Here she is taking a break during one of our 3 month sessions to love on her kitty! She gets tired of pictures after a while. Look at those little bitty legs!!
Stay tuned for LOTS of updates to come!!! Exciting things are happening at our house and I hope to do a better job of sharing them in the future!!